Thursday, December 26, 2019

Check ESXi MTU settings with PowerCLI

Sometimes the simplest tasks can be time consuming in large environments. This time is about MTU settings on the ESXi host,

First let's see a bit about MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit). It is a setting that defines the largest protocol data unit that can be sent across a network (largest packet or frame). Default setting is 1500 bytes. Having a bigger MTU increases the performance for particular uses cases as large amounts of data transmission over Ethernet. So it's always been set to larger values (9000 bytes) for accessing iSCSI and NFS storage. For a vSphere environment it means it could (and should in some cases) be increased for almost all types of traffic: vMotion, vSAN, Provisioning, FT, iSCSI, NFS, VXLAN, FCoE.

Let's take the use case of accessing a NFS datastore, as seen in the picture below:

The biggest challenge with MTU is to have the environment properly configured end-to-end.This means when you want your ESXi to make use of large MTU for accessing a NFS datastore, you'll need to make sure that distributed virtual switches, physical network interfaces, vmkernel portgroups, physical switches at system level and per port level and filers are configured with the proper MTU. What happens in our example when some elements are configured with the default MTU (1500)? In the case the vmkernel portgroup is set at 1500, then no you will see no performance benefits at all. If one of the physical switches is configured with 1500 bytes, then you will get fragmentation of the packets (performance degradation).

Hoping this short theoretical intro to MTU was helpful, I will jump ahead to the topic: checking ESXi MTU with PowerCLI. We are not treating how to check physical switches and storage devices within present article.

At ESXi level we need to check 3 settings: distributed virtual switch, physical network interfaces (vmnic used for uplinks) and vmkernel portgroups. To accomplish this we make use of two different PowerCLI cmdlets: Get-EsxCli and Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter

The beauty of Get-EsxCli is that it exposes esxcli commands and you can access the host through vCenter Server connection (no root or direct login to the ESXi host is required). The not so nice part its you have to use esxcli syntax in PowerCLI as you will soon see.

Main checks

We will first look at the script checks. Please keep in mind $h is a variable initialized with Get-VMHost cmdlet.
  • distributed virtual switch - will get the switch name, configured MTU and used uplinks; the loop ensures all dvswitches are checked
(Get-EsxCli -VMHost $h -V2).network.vswitch.dvs.vmware.list.Invoke() | foreach {
    Write-Host "DVSName  $($_.Name) MTU  $($_.MTU) UPLINKS  $($_.Uplinks)"

  • vmnics - check configured MTU, admin and link status for each interface (there is no issue in having unused nics configured differently) 
(Get-EsxCli -VMHost $h -V2).network.nic.list.Invoke() |  foreach {
    Write-Host "NIC:"$_.Name "MTU:"$_.MTU "Admin:"$_.AdminStatus "Link:"$_.LinkStatus

  • vmkernel portgroups - check configure MTU and IP address
$vmks = $h | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter | Where { $_.GetType().Name -eq "HostVMKernelVirtualNicImpl" }
foreach ($v in $vmks) {
    Write-Host "VMK $($v.Name) MTU $($v.MTU) IP $($v.IP)"

The script

Putting it all together, we'll add the three checks in a foreach loop. The loop iterates through all the clusters and within each cluster through all the hosts. The script creates one log file per cluster containing all the hosts in that cluster and their details:

foreach ($cls in Get-Cluster) {
    $fileName = $cls.Name + ".log"
    Write-Host "# CLUSTER $($cls)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    foreach ($h in $cls |   Get-VMHost) {
        Write-Host "$($h)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
        Add-Content -Path $fileName -Value "$($h)"

        (Get-EsxCli -VMHost $h -V2).network.vswitch.dvs.vmware.list.Invoke() | foreach {
            Write-Host "DVSName  $($_.Name) MTU  $($_.MTU) UPLINKS  $($_.Uplinks)"
            Add-Content -Path $fileName -Value "DVSName $($_.Name) MTU $($_.MTU) UPLINKS $($_.Uplinks)"
        (Get-EsxCli -VMHost $h -V2).network.nic.list.Invoke() |  foreach {
            Write-Host "NIC:"$_.Name "MTU:"$_.MTU "Admin:"$_.AdminStatus "Link:"$_.LinkStatus
            Add-Content -Path $fileName -Value "NIC: $($_.Name) MTU: $($_.MTU) Admin: $($_.AdminStatus) Link: $($_.LinkStatus)"
        $vmks = $h | Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter | Where { $_.GetType().Name -eq "HostVMKernelVirtualNicImpl" }
        foreach ($v in $vmks) {
            Write-Host "VMK $($v.Name) MTU $($v.MTU) IP $($v.IP)"
            Add-Content -Path $fileName -Value "VMK $($v.Name) MTU $($v.MTU) IP $($v.IP)"

Opening one of the log files, you see similar output to below:
DVSName dvs-Data1 MTU 9000 UPLINKS vmnic3 vmnic2 vmnic1 vmnic0
NIC: vmnic0 MTU: 9000 Admin: Up Link: Up
NIC: vmnic1 MTU: 9000 Admin: Up Link: Up
NIC: vmnic2 MTU: 9000 Admin: Up Link: Up
NIC: vmnic3 MTU: 9000 Admin: Up Link: Up
VMK vmk0 MTU 9000 IP
VMK vmk1 MTU 9000 IP
VMK vmk2 MTU 9000 IP

In this case everything looks good at ESXi level. Easy part is over, so start digging in the physical switches CLI and any other equipment along the path to ensure end to end MTU consistency.

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