In previous post we looked at how to manually enable Supervisor cluster on a vSphere cluster. Now we'll reproduce the same steps from GUI in a small script using PowerCLI.
PowerCLI 12.1.0 brought new cmdlets for VMware.VimAutomation.WorkloadManagement module and one of this is Enable-WMCluster. We will be using this cmdlet to enable Tanzu supervisor cluster. In the following example we'll be using NSX-T, but the cmdlet can be used with distributed switches.
The following script is very simple .First we need to connect to vCenter Server and NSX manager
Connect-VIServer -Server
Connect-NsxtServer -Server
Next we define the variables (all variable that were in the UI wizard).
The cluster where we enable Tanzu, the content library and the storage policies:
$vsphereCluster = Get-Cluster "MYCLUSTER"
$contentLibrary = "Tanzu subscribed"
$ephemeralStoragePolicy = "Tanzu gold"
$imageStoragePolicy = "Tanzu silver"
$masterStoragePolicy = "Tanzu gold"
Management network info for Supervisor Cluster VMs
$mgmtNetwork = Get-VirtualNetwork "Mgmt-Network"
$mgmtNetworkMode = "StaticRange"
$mgtmNetworkStartIPAddress = ""
$mgtmNetworkRangeSize = "5"
$mgtmNetworkGateway = ""
$mgtmNetworkSubnet = ""
$distributedSwitch = Get-VDSwitch -Name "Distributed-Switch"
DNS and NTP servers
$masterDnsSearchDomain = "my.lab"
$masterDnsServer = ""
$masterNtpServer = ""
$workerDnsServer = ""
Tanzu details - size and external and internal IP subnets
$size = "Tiny"
$egressCIDR = ""
$ingressCIDR = ""
$serviceCIDR = ""
$podCIDR = ""
One more parameter needs to be provided: Edge cluster ID. For this we use NSX-T manager connectivity and
$edgeClusterSvc = Get-NsxtService -Name com.vmware.nsx.edge_clusters
$results = $edgeClusterSvc.list().results
$edgeClusterId = ($results | Where {$_.display_name -eq "tanzu-edge-cluster"}).id
Last thing is to put all the parameters together in the cmdlet and run it against the vSphere cluster object
$vsphereCluster | Enable-WMCluster `
-SizeHint $size `
-ManagementVirtualNetwork $mgmtNetwork `
-ManagementNetworkMode $mgmtNetworkMode `
-ManagementNetworkStartIPAddress $mgtmNetworkStartIPAddress `
-ManagementNetworkAddressRangeSize $mgtmNetworkRangeSize `
-ManagementNetworkGateway $mgtmNetworkGateway `
-ManagementNetworkSubnetMask $mgtmNetworkSubnet `
-MasterDnsServerIPAddress $masterDnsServer `
-MasterNtpServer $masterNtpServer `
-MasterDnsSearchDomain $masterDnsSearchDomain `
-DistributedSwitch $distributedSwitch `
-NsxEdgeClusterId $edgeClusterId `
-ExternalEgressCIDRs $egressCIDR `
-ExternalIngressCIDRs $ingressCIDR `
-ServiceCIDR $serviceCIDR `
-PodCIDRs $podCIDR `
-WorkerDnsServer $workerDnsServer `
-EphemeralStoragePolicy $ephemeralStoragePolicy `
-ImageStoragePolicy $imageStoragePolicy `
-MasterStoragePolicy $masterStoragePolicy `
-ContentLibrary $contentLibrary
And as simple as that, the cluster will be enabled (in a scripted and repeatable way).
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